Globalization in International Tensions: The Impact of Military Conflicts on Cultural Orientations of Multinational Corporations’ Advertising in Modern China (1932-1937)
Y. Sun, X.F. Yan, Y. Zhang, H. Chen, Chen Z.*, and C.J. Wang*
Chinese Journal of Communication, 2024. Forthcoming.
Unraveling the NFT Narrative Labyrinth: Persuasive Effects of Interactive Engagement and Structure on Transaction Attention
Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, L. Yan, and Y. Liu
Paper to be presented at the 74th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Gold Coast, Australia, 2024.
Uncovering the Cascading Structure of Bitcoin Narrative: The Role of Elites, Influencers, Media, and Public Emotion in Predicting Bitcoin Marketplace
Y. Zhang, Y. Li, H. Zhang, X. F. Yan, and C. J. Wang
Paper to be presented at the 74th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Gold Coast, Australia, 2024.
Traversing the Valley of Despair in Affective Mobilization: Issue Engagement, Emotion, and Online Donation on Sina Weibo during the Outbreak of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Y. Zhang, G. Lu, Y. Sun, Z. Chen, and C. J. Wang
Paper presented at the 73th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Toronto, Canada, 2023.
Peeking strategy for online news diffusion prediction via machine learning
Y. Zhang, M. Feng, K. K. Shang*, Y. Ran, and C. J. Wang* Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022.